
Congratulations Vicky and David!

Today at 4:30pm Vicky and David are getting married. I am so excited for these two beautiful people! I met David while I was studying photography and he is known as technogeek in our little circle called "the f-stops" David is an excellent commercial photographer and a dear friend of mine. I still remember the first time David told me about Vicky. We were going to lunch in Manhattan beach. I hadn't seem him for a while so I asked him if he was seeing someone. (Well, I am like a big sister to him so I am allowed to ask these questions) David was already thinking about proposing to Vicky so I knew he had found a woman of his life. Over our short lunch David showed me Vicky's picture on his phone and talked about what a great person she was. So when we met Vicky for the first time at the f-stop get together, it was like meeting an old friend. When Vicky and David asked me to shoot their engagement photo. I was pretty nervous. It's not easy to shoot for a friend to begin with and it's definitely nerve-racking to shoot for another photographer. Vicky requested these photos to be unrevealed until the wedding day. I'll put up a slide show for them after the wedding. While it was impossible to keep these two goofballs to be serious at times but then again I always perfer capturing their charater. Our shoot was blast! Thank you for allowing me to document your special day! Here are few teaser shots.

Perhaps it's too hard to pose for a friend LOL but i love their expression on this shot.

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