
Cypress Fine Handmade Albums & Boxes Anniversary Open House

When I first saw Cypress albums about 3 years ago, I thought they were the most unique and beautiful albums I've ever seen. Recently, I discovered that I research things pretty extensively before I make my decisions. (And sometimes decision making takes too long just like i can't seem to make up my mind on whether I want to show big images or small images on my website?) I think, I am pretty resourceful because I am always working on something new. Then why did I wait so long to visit Cypress Album? -for a long time my clients did not really ask for "professional" albums. I used to buy unique scrapbook albums whenever I found one and gave them to clients that I thought were good fit. They were happy with my albums so I never really got a chance to make album samples through Cypress. Now that I am re-branding or should I say starting Ambient Photography Studio, I think Cypress album will add something beautiful and special to my business. I can feel it! and I am so happy that I got to meet the founder Dena and the cool staff at the Cypress Fine Handmade Albums & Boxes.
I am noticing that I am keep bumping into photographers whose work that I've been admiring for a long time like Yvette Roman and Jose Villa. And they use Cypress! Hummm....thinking I am a copycat? Maybe I am, but Cypress caters to unique group of photographers who want something outstanding and unique to present their work in. So if you ask me, yes I want to be want of them. Thank you Cypress for inviting me to celebrate your 10 year anniversary and allowing me to tour your company. Your products are beautiful and it is comfort to know that all of your staff are so cool! Dena Robertson, Thank you for following your dreams and sharing your talent with us! I look forward to working closely with you in the near future

chic cypress showroom

Dena, founder of Cypress giving group tour

beautiful fabrics

I love this matted folio

the Cypress album

I spotted this mural on the wall of Cypress showroom for my portrait, Photography courtesy of Sandra P.