
Happy 7th!

I ran to upstairs panting, looked under our California king size bed where he told me to look. At first, I didn't find anything. The mattress was heavy and I began thinking that he probably took it with him. I gave up searching initially then I went back searching after few hours. There it was in between the mattress, carefully chosen for the occasion and filled with his sweet words. Andy called me this morning from UK and told me that he left me a card under the mattress that he was sorry he couldn't be with me on our anniversary. Andy's been writing cards on every occasion for past 14 years that I have known him. There were very few times that he didn't and I would demand that he should write me a card. Andy would just smile. I don't' mind not getting presents, but it feels weird not to receive a card from him on these occasions. They are always filled with his small and neat writing. I would tease Andy saying that he is not the most romantic guy but how men do really write a lengthy cards to their wives? Well- my husband does.
Andy, here is my card for this year over the world wide web. It has been wonderful being your wife for 7years. Your easy going personality and growing love transformed me to be more like you and life with you has been easy sail with the cool ocean breeze. I am proud to be your wife. You are a honorable man and you will always be my genius.
I miss you a lot and can't wait to see you on Friday!
Not only you are my best friend, but you are my hero that enables me to do things that I couldn't even imagine. I know that your job has been tough on you lately, but I do really believe you when you tell me that you are working "SO HARD" for me. So cheer up baby! Thank you for your unchanging love and trust.
Can't wait to go on our anniversary trip in few weeks!
With Love, from your wife who's been forgetting our anniversary since 5th

For those of you haven't met my sweet husband. Here is us at the Boston Harbor, MA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations my beautiful and talented friend! It is truly a blessing to have such a man in your life, you deserve the best and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. So when can we meet for lunch?? Pasedena or wherever works for me:) BIG HUGS.