
Office update

Some of you may already know that I have been working on my new workstation for a while. This is while I am tyring to build my new website, write blog entries, and keep up with facebook! -oh, I painted my dinning room for the second time! Things have been pretty hectic here and to be honest, I am really burned out now. I still have few albums to put together and upload edited images online. My PC (yes, I am still a PC girl) has been really bugging me lately.I been drooling over Mac Pro for a while now. I know the importance of keeping up with new technology now days. However, I have been trying to keep my overhead costs low and to spend my money where it will help my business to grow continuously. (I will share my experience on how to build your photography business wisely for the new comers in this industry so please stay tuned) Luckily, I can operate both PC and Mac ( assisted a photographer who had a Mac), so it won't be hard for me to switch over to Mac. I know that Mac users probably say other wise but honestly, I can't see that much differences. I can do everything on my PC as fast as I could on iMac (not Mac Pro). I can't really complain much about PC at this point. Andy is my genius guy at 24 hour Genius Bar. He makes sure that my PC doesn't crash and I've never lost a single file so far. (knock on wood!)
However lately, I've been noticing that my PC was running slower. So of course, I asked my genius husband why. Andy's answer was short " Your computer is too old and you just have too much stuff on your computer!" .... hummm a year old computer is old. I guess that's like 100 years in computer world? So we went down to Fry's to get some RAM. Despite of Andy's research, we found out my computer is too old to fit new memory!!! Now, My genius guy is backing up my data locally and tomorrow we are going to put my PC back together with brand new motherboard. I guess, I will just have to wait to work on those images. Andy is going to write more technical entries for you all, bright minds out there real soon.

This is how my PC looks now.

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