
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.0

Today... I did it!!! I did it!!!
I opened my red coach wallet then took my VISA card out
and bought Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.0!
I just download it off the web because they are offering promotional price of $199 until April 30,2007. Yes, you stil have few more days. You better hurry.
I've never thoght that I will get so excited over a new software! But this is really cool program just like Photoshop. I am in love with my PhotoshopCS2 and Lightroom definitely helps me to save my time infront of the computer. I love working on photoshop and I am very comfortable with it, but I only have limited hours each day so I'd rather take some more photos than to sit infront of the computer all day long. Plus, I prefer not to apply too much Photoshop effect to my images, so Lightroom is perfect for me.

Normally, I would hesitate to buy first generation product,but I already know that this is a great product and I have some sentimental value with this first generation Lightroom.

Last year, I was chosen to participate in Colin Finlay's workshop that I adobe sponsered. In addtion to spending whole day with Colin Finlay. I also met Julianne Kost for the first time in Person! She is so patient and awesome, she stayed extra hours editing our work and going over key features of Ligthroom. I probably don't need to tell you that she is the goddes of Photoshop.
Jennifer Stern,Senior Product Marketing Manager at Adobe is also such a sweet and down to earth person who fits so into her position and to this project that adobe is sponsering with emerging photographers. I am so glad that I got to know her little bit in person as well.

You can go to Project: Photoshop Lightroom website to see and inspire by emerging photographer's work. You can also see my work at Santa Monica College Gallery. I went to big university, but Santa Monica college is where I found my passion.

My friends ask me all the time whether I am still in school. My answer is that I will always be in school. People may say that I am afraid of the real world. That's not true at all. I make time to attend classes and workshops because I want to stay inspire. I can't wait to share more of my personal work with you all!

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