
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.0

Today... I did it!!! I did it!!!
I opened my red coach wallet then took my VISA card out
and bought Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.0!
I just download it off the web because they are offering promotional price of $199 until April 30,2007. Yes, you stil have few more days. You better hurry.
I've never thoght that I will get so excited over a new software! But this is really cool program just like Photoshop. I am in love with my PhotoshopCS2 and Lightroom definitely helps me to save my time infront of the computer. I love working on photoshop and I am very comfortable with it, but I only have limited hours each day so I'd rather take some more photos than to sit infront of the computer all day long. Plus, I prefer not to apply too much Photoshop effect to my images, so Lightroom is perfect for me.

Normally, I would hesitate to buy first generation product,but I already know that this is a great product and I have some sentimental value with this first generation Lightroom.

Last year, I was chosen to participate in Colin Finlay's workshop that I adobe sponsered. In addtion to spending whole day with Colin Finlay. I also met Julianne Kost for the first time in Person! She is so patient and awesome, she stayed extra hours editing our work and going over key features of Ligthroom. I probably don't need to tell you that she is the goddes of Photoshop.
Jennifer Stern,Senior Product Marketing Manager at Adobe is also such a sweet and down to earth person who fits so into her position and to this project that adobe is sponsering with emerging photographers. I am so glad that I got to know her little bit in person as well.

You can go to Project: Photoshop Lightroom website to see and inspire by emerging photographer's work. You can also see my work at Santa Monica College Gallery. I went to big university, but Santa Monica college is where I found my passion.

My friends ask me all the time whether I am still in school. My answer is that I will always be in school. People may say that I am afraid of the real world. That's not true at all. I make time to attend classes and workshops because I want to stay inspire. I can't wait to share more of my personal work with you all!


The Riviera Country Club

Here we are already at the end of April, but it's still pretty cold here in Southern Califonia.(Sorry for complaining to folks in colder region) Can't wait for Summer to Arrive!

Few weeks ago, I had a wonderful opportunity to shoot at the Riviera Country Club which was recently renovated. What a Beautiful venu and great servie by superb staff!
Special Thanks to Daniel & Chris!you made my day!-(you know who you are )
Can't wait to shoot a wedding here someday!
Here are few photos of the club that I managed to shoot at the end of the event.
To see the slideshow of the event, Please click here!



Hello All,

Welcome to my humble blog everyone!

I am still in the process of branding my photography business and creating this blog was part of it. Please don't get bored just yet!
Yes, this is one of my marketing elements just like many other professionals that work in this field. However my intention is to use this blog to share bit of my life with all of you so you can learn little more about me before you decide to hire me.
I am a people photographer... in orde to be good people photographer, I need to connect with my subject. So please be my friend through this blog.

I have been managing my personal blog elsewhere, but I've decide to combine both business and personal on this blog. That's why you won't find any previous posts, but I promise you I will TRY my best to fill this blog up with interesting posts soon!

Now,I am not much of a socialite. My life is pretty simple (can be boring at times), but I hope you enjoy visiting my bog as often as you can.
As a first attempt to keep my promise, I think I am going to go out and buy my first "Point and Shoot" digital camera that I can carrie it in my purse all the time. Point and shoot cameras have some limitations, but I have to say they take great picture nowdays!