Google Analytics tells me that I have increasing number of visitors daily!
I can see that my friends from Sendai, Japan are reading my blog. How cool is that? I e-mail them as often as I could but this way they can see what I am up to pretty regularly. That is enough for me to continue to write on this blog even though it really scares me because my writing in English isn't perfect. It's little frustrating for me at times because I can write pretty well in Korean. I used to win national essay competitions as a student. So bear with me if my writing isn't perfect or not so entertaining. I promise you it will get better. Thank you everyone who has visited my blog either by accident or by referrals. Please come back to read more and make comments. Everyone is giving away something on their blog to thank their blogger friends so I am going to give away something.
Mother's day is around the corner and I would like to giveaway, one family portrait session for free. All you have to do is send me a little story about special "mother" you know of and if you can attach the photo of you with that special woman. I will have my mother pick the winner on Mother's day! I would love to inform the winner on Mother's day, but I am shooting a Sunday wedding so it will have to wait. *****As a prize You will receive a portrait session + favorite images on CD.*****
Let me tell you little bit about my amazing mother. Her name is Bona and she immigrated to United States in 1988 with her two children. In Korea, She worked as an esthetician since I was about 10 years old. She needed to get licensed again in the states so she got her license in 6months. I still don't know how my mother managed to go to school here in United States and got her license because she did not speak any English. She probably did impossible for us. She has been a small business owner since then. Recently, I have been complaining everyday how hard it is to manage business side of photography, but my mother has been doing this for 20years all by herself. I am so proud of her and I am so thankful everyday that God allowed me to be born as my mother's daughter. She raised me to be strong and she taught me to share. She turned 60 years old last year so we created this family portrait with the help of my tripod. LOL We have fronzen faces, but she displays this photo at her shop and point it out to her customers saying "My family, my daughter is a good photographer!" I hope I make her very proud one day. Like making the list of American photo's top ten best wedding photographers in the world will just do that. I love you mom!